We just had over some family, we had a great time! We went to durango to see a lake. we stopped at a restaurant, shaylin and I shared a shake. They let us carve our names in the table. We also played pit, it was os FUN!
Hi Skyler...do you remember me? I'm Chase Johnson's mom and your dad's cousin. It looks like you have so much fun w/your family. And anyplace that lets you carve your name in the table is awesome! And how did you get pacman on your blog? I LOVE pacman!!! It was so fun to play. Thanks.
What a cute blog! I'll put it on my google reader so I will always see when you post something new. I'm impressed with the pictures you took and it looks like you had so much fun! If you don't remember me I'm your dad's cousin. I'll show my kids your blog and I'm sure they will love it! We'll be looking forward to more posts and fun things!
I am eleven years old. I love chocolate, nintendo and my family. Thanks for visiting my blog. I also love it when you comment on my posts. The games below are not advertisments, I put them there.
We did have fun, didn't we. I love the pictures that you took. You are a good photographer.
I also love your Nintendo music playlist. Your blog is fun!
Hi Skyler...do you remember me? I'm Chase Johnson's mom and your dad's cousin. It looks like you have so much fun w/your family. And anyplace that lets you carve your name in the table is awesome! And how did you get pacman on your blog? I LOVE pacman!!! It was so fun to play. Thanks.
Oops...for some reason I was signed in as my sister Laura. I actually wrote the comment above. So very sorry.
What a cute blog! I'll put it on my google reader so I will always see when you post something new. I'm impressed with the pictures you took and it looks like you had so much fun! If you don't remember me I'm your dad's cousin. I'll show my kids your blog and I'm sure they will love it! We'll be looking forward to more posts and fun things!
Skyler I LOVE your blog. It looks like you guys had so much fun! I'm jealous. Can Kenny, Grizz and I be your next visitors?? I love you!
Thanks for the pacman tip!!!
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